Giving is not just about making a donation
Giving is not just about making a donation, it is about making a difference - said Kathy Calvin, CEO and current President of the United Nations Foundation.
On Wednesday 11th Jul, Blossom Seeds received a van from ComfortDelGro that was re-fitted with a motor ramp. This was donated to Blossom Seeds in support of our Medical Escort Transport (MET) program and service. Indeed, this is not just a mere donation.
Since we started our MET program over the past one year, our staff and volunteers had been escorting the beneficiaries using public transport, braving the weather in rain and shine.
With this vehicle, we can now provide the escort service for wheelchair bound elderly with more ease. Time spent on the road will also be much shorter than before. We will also be ready to support more of MET requests for wheelchair bound elderly which we had been holding off due to the lack of appropriate transport facility. Both volunteers and the beneficiaries will now also be able to move more comfortably during the journey to the hospital for the medical appointments.
Thanks to ComfortDelGro, it would truly make a difference to the quality of the escort program and service.
ComfortDelGro is one of the world's largest land and transport companies with a total fleet size of over 42,100 buses, taxis and rental vehicles. The company currently operates in seven countries - Singapore, Australia, China, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Vietnam and Malaysia. See ComfortDelGro Media Release

Pre-event testing of the van by our Senior Volunteer Driver

Team ComfortDelGro and Blossom Seeds

Blossom Seeds Staff and Volunteers

Blossom Seeds Milestone

Retro-fitting process of the van

Testing the fully auto-fitted hydraulic lifter

On the way to grocery shopping

Shopping Spree