Blossom Seeds 福善

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Hari Raya Celebration at Blossom Seeds

"Our Hari Raya Celebration, now in its second year post-COVID-19, marks a heartwarming collaboration between Assyafaah Mosque, Micron Singapore, and Blossom Seeds. This year holds special significance as it witnesses the inaugural participation of Micron Singapore volunteers, including seniors, who are eager to instill a spirit of empathy and communal harmony within our diverse society during this festive occasion.

The reunion of Assyafaah Mosque and Blossom Seeds underscores the enduring strength of our collective efforts in fostering community welfare. Their partnership serves as a beacon of unity and cooperation, setting the stage for a celebration imbued with compassion and inclusivity.

One of the most touching aspects of this year's celebration is the involvement of Micron Singapore volunteers, who extend the reach of festive joy to frail beneficiaries. Their presence not only brings smiles to the faces of those in need but also exemplifies the power of intergenerational connection and the significance of caring for the elderly within our society.

Moreover, our collaborative initiative is a testament to the power of active volunteering in supporting multi-racial seniors, transcending cultural boundaries to nurture a sense of belonging and solidarity. Micron Singapore's commitment to meaningful corporate social responsibility further amplifies the impact of our collective endeavors, enriching the fabric of social cohesion within our community.

As we come together to celebrate Hari Raya, our shared purpose is not only to spread joy but also to strengthen the bonds that unite us as a community. Through moments of celebration and camaraderie, we reaffirm our commitment to collective welfare and mutual support, paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future."