Blossom Seeds 福善

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Charity Transparency Award 2022

Blossom Seeds is pleased to be one of the winners of the Charity Transparency Award 2022 at the Charity Transparency and Governance Awards Ceremony on 9 November at the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, organised by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth - MCCY. This is the first time Blossom Seeds receives this award.

Mr Edwin Tong, Minister of Culture, Community and Youth & Second Minister for Law graced the occasion. Our Honorary Treasurer Ms Ong Ai Lan received the award from Dr Gerard Ee, Chairman of the Charity Council at the event.

We thank all the donors and community partners for the trust they placed in us, to support the vulnerable. We will continue to uphold the corporate governance and transparency standards to be a trusted charity.

Congratulations to all the charity partners!